Family Ties Family Lies edition by Dee Dee Dotado Literature Fiction eBooks

This a tale told by members of a family. Each story highlights the journey of that person and provides a unique perspective. Some say that there are three sides to every story but I challenge that point of view. There is as many sides to a story as the number of people that bear witness to the story plus one. It is not to say that any story is not true but stories are skewed by the storytellers' perception. Every story highlights a family secret. Some secrets are kept because the truth is so hurtful and shameful it can potentially endanger the very fiber of the family unit. No matter what the motivation for secrecy, when the truth comes out, as it often does, the ties that bind the family together are made either stronger or completely destroyed.
I invite you to witness the journey of these characters, observe their drama, and watch their growth. These stories will make you laugh, cry, shake your head, get angry, feel empathy, and even think about someone you know.
Family Ties Family Lies edition by Dee Dee Dotado Literature Fiction eBooks
Despite the dialogue, I loved this book. This family was a mess and a half. But it just shows how secrets will hurt ppl more than helping. I know my family is full of secrets. And I have an aunt that be ready to spill the beans at every family get together. Great book!!!!Product details

Tags : Family Ties & Family Lies - Kindle edition by Dee Dee Dotado. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Family Ties & Family Lies.,ebook,Dee Dee Dotado,Family Ties & Family Lies,DDD Publishing,FICTION African American General,FICTION African American Urban
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Family Ties Family Lies edition by Dee Dee Dotado Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
This wonderful book has a great amount of twists and turns, and if you don't pay attention you may easily get lost.
This book was an amazing read, very captivating. It has many twist and kept me on the edge of my seat could not put it down. I would recommend it to anyone.
If you like drama and fiction then this book is a must read! It has romance, drama, controversy, and best of all a realistic happy ending.
This book reflects the ugly truths that exist in many families but are often kept secret. I like how the different characters narratives ties into each other.
I can't find end words till describe this book it was well written but at times I would get so confused with the repeating of family of who was kin and who wasn't ok read
I thought this book covered every family issue there is. There was twist and turns in every chapter. I give this book high praise because it showed courage and strength to talk about the crazy mixed up ways of our families and the mindset of our people.
Despite the dialogue, I loved this book. This family was a mess and a half. But it just shows how secrets will hurt ppl more than helping. I know my family is full of secrets. And I have an aunt that be ready to spill the beans at every family get together. Great book!!!!

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