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⇒ PDF Free Love and Saint Augustine Hannah Arendt Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott Judith Chelius Stark 9780226025971 Books

Love and Saint Augustine Hannah Arendt Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott Judith Chelius Stark 9780226025971 Books

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Download PDF Love and Saint Augustine Hannah Arendt Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott Judith Chelius Stark 9780226025971 Books

Love and Saint Augustine Hannah Arendt Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott Judith Chelius Stark 9780226025971 Books

Not for the uninitiated. For those who are "invested" in or have read a fair amount of Arendt, or who are well versed in Augustine, Arendt's doctoral dissertation is illuminating. But the German Existenz influence is in full bloom, not quite Heideggerian but not enough Jaspers either (who is much more readable) to offset it in this recent English translation. But well worth the effort if one has the tools and patience. Of note is the very readable analysis of the translators, providing solid signposts to the subsequent works which are still much inbedded in Arendt's dissertation. As such, Love and Saint Augustine provides considerable illumination for the entire ouvre. I do not regret that I read everything else of Arendt's before finally reading this. It is the bow on the package. A final note -- the footnotes to Augustine works with relevant passages are extensive and, bless the translators, in English.

Read Love and Saint Augustine Hannah Arendt Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott Judith Chelius Stark 9780226025971 Books

Tags : Love and Saint Augustine [Hannah Arendt, Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott, Judith Chelius Stark] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Hannah Arendt began her scholarly career with an exploration of Saint Augustine's concept of caritas</i>,Hannah Arendt, Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott, Judith Chelius Stark,Love and Saint Augustine,University of Chicago Press,0226025977,PHI016000,Christian Theology - General,History & Surveys - Modern,Augustine,Love - Religious aspects - Christianity - History of doctrines - Early church, ca. 30-600,Love;Religious aspects;Christianity;History of doctrines;Early church, ca. 30-600.,ARENDT, HANNAH,Augustine,,Christian theology,Christianity,Early church, ca. 30-600,Family & RelationshipsGeneral,General,History,History of doctrines,InspirationalDevotional,Love,Modern Western philosophy, c 1600 to the present,Non-Fiction,PHILOSOPHY History & Surveys Modern,Philosophy,PhilosophyReligious,RELIGION Christian Theology General,RELIGION General,Religious,Religious aspects,Saint, Bishop of Hippo,ScholarlyGraduate,UNIVERSITY PRESS,United States,Western philosophy, from c 1900 -,Family & RelationshipsGeneral,General,Philosophy History & Surveys Modern,PhilosophyReligious,RELIGION Christian Theology General,Religion General,Religious,Arendt, Hannah,Augustine,,Christianity,Early church, ca. 30-600,History of doctrines,Love,Religious aspects,Saint, Bishop of Hippo,Philosophy,Christian theology,Modern Western philosophy, c 1600 to the present,Western philosophy, from c 1900 -

Love and Saint Augustine Hannah Arendt Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott Judith Chelius Stark 9780226025971 Books Reviews

Excellent introduction to St. Augustine’s writings and ethical philosophy!
I first read this book many years ago, so my recollection is a little hazy, but when I ran across Arendt's dissertation on , I could not resist making some comment on what was an outstanding addition to my collection of books about Augustine. I strongly encourage anyone interested in Augustine to read this book. The book does have a strong "philosophical bent" to it but is not so weighty a presentation to discourage the educated reader. The book is full of insights and well turned statements on ontology, volition, love, and man's relationship to an all encompassing Creator. Contemporary critics of Catholicism tend to chide and deride the Augustinian project using feminist, trendy Gnostic catagories to abuse a great thinker in the early church, but the reader of Arendt's book will find a sound and reasoned presentation of the Augustinian perspective absent of biases found in current criticism. Another fine book to read with Arendt's book would be the slightly more academic work by Emilie Zum Brunn, St. Augustine Being and Nothingness.
Hannah Arendt's Love and Saint Augustine is easily one of the best contemporary commentaries on Augustine. Before I read the book, I was not sure whether Arendt(who is not seen by traditional Augustinian scholars as an expert in the field) has a balanced reading of Augsutine from existentialist lenses. I read the book a few times in order to gauge its relevance and meaning. The book far exceeds my expectation! Its balanced and refreshing analysis of Augustine's conception of love by virtue of exploring two incongruent definitions of love found in Augustine's works lends itself to a critique of Aristotle's, Plotinus', and Heidegger's anticipation-desire-based (thus anxiety-driven) love in Part I. A new definition of love as "bond of perfection" rooted in the notion of birth/rebirth and natatlity found in Jewish-Christian (and Augustinian) teaching and sprung from human's ability to remember the past is introduced in Part II. The book ends movingly in suggesting a new human solidarity (or in Arendt's term, a new human togetherness) that requires one's engagement in the new social life through re-birth (i.e., founding society anew) in Part III. For Augustinian fans, this is a great book to help one to re-think the tradition from a completely fresh new perspective, to update what is valuable in Augustine's teaching by bringing him out of the past and engage his thought in dialogue with contemporary thinkers, who may not be part of the tradition. For Arendt's fans, the book is an important gateway to re-discover Arendt multi-dimensionally, as the editors of the book wrote, the political-only Arendt is not the authentic Arendt. The book is a must-read!
An all time masterpiece of the subject -- Arendt is brilliant....
I was delighted to get this. The book is in pristine condition, so thanks to the seller. I am going to use it in a course on Augustine. I did not know that Arendt, who is a political theorist, by her own definition, had written on a Church Father. Great surprise!
Thank you
It's a great edition, good preface, etc. And Arendt is brilliant!
Not for the uninitiated. For those who are "invested" in or have read a fair amount of Arendt, or who are well versed in Augustine, Arendt's doctoral dissertation is illuminating. But the German Existenz influence is in full bloom, not quite Heideggerian but not enough Jaspers either (who is much more readable) to offset it in this recent English translation. But well worth the effort if one has the tools and patience. Of note is the very readable analysis of the translators, providing solid signposts to the subsequent works which are still much inbedded in Arendt's dissertation. As such, Love and Saint Augustine provides considerable illumination for the entire ouvre. I do not regret that I read everything else of Arendt's before finally reading this. It is the bow on the package. A final note -- the footnotes to Augustine works with relevant passages are extensive and, bless the translators, in English.
Ebook PDF Love and Saint Augustine Hannah Arendt Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott Judith Chelius Stark 9780226025971 Books

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